Prometheus Research Paper

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“BAHHHH.” A sheep stood among its brothers, grazing on the fresh green grass when a sudden movement out of the corner of its eye caught its attention. A small group of sheep were running away from the herd. All of the sheep instantly panicked and ran to catch up with the other sheep. None of them knew what was going on, but they knew they couldn’t be left behind. Then the white progression of sheep came to a stop in front of a steep cliffside. After some nervous shuffling, one of the sheep jumped to a narrow ledge below. Unfortunately it missed the ledge and fell down to the rocky bottom. But this didn’t stop the rest of the herd from trying. They all tried to stick the landing and they all missed and came tumbling to their deaths. The sheep …show more content…

Prometheus thought that these secrets are not for everyone because not everyone will seek them. Not everyone will trade a life of assured comfort for a life of unsecured freedom. And because man is like this, a totalitarian government can take advantage of our deeply rooted inclinations to produce “total sheep.” The government can gradually shape us into what they want us to be. The state, in this type society, forces people to act not for themselves, but for the state. The state could care less about how much this benefits their people and this eventually makes people stop caring about their own lives. They stop seeking the secrets that individualize them. In a way, they stop living and become empty shells, void of true happiness; true happiness can only come to those who do things out of their own …show more content…

They assigned the people who had the potential to discover how corrupt this government was to a position that limited their thinking. Because of this the real scholars did not have the freedom to discover and ask questions about the government, because they were too busy with the manual labor they were assigned to. And most of these people actually believed that they had been put in the right position, because they had been taught that you can trust the government to make the right choices for you. They did not have the freedom to think, which they were more than capable of. It’s hard to rebel in an environment when everyone around you is forcing you into this collectivist mold where there is no such thing as an individual. It was not by accident that Prometheus was assigned to be a streetsweeper. From the very beginning of his life, he had been in the government’s hands. They had figured out that he could think and knew that Prometheus could never be a scholar. That job was only given to those who could be controlled, the ones with weak characters and quite