Why Is Prometheus Important In Anthem

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Throughout the novella Anthem the society disregards citizens having thoughts of their own. Prometheus, who has always been a free thinker, has always felt out of place in this society. As the novel progresses Prometheus comes to appreciate his trait of independent thinking. At the ending of the novella Prometheus comes to understand that what society sees as unethical is actually a valuable trait to have. Prometheus writes that he finally recognizes ‘why the best in me has been my sins and my transgressions; and why I had never felt guilt in my sins” in the concluding chapter of Anthem (Rand, 98). Prometheus comes to understand that the reason he has felt no regret for his actions, is because they are what makes him an individual. This meaning that throughout his life he has been degraded because of how he would wonder and constantly ask questions, but this has made him a person with views and genuine curiosity on how the world works. These are all characteristics of a single person because not all people have the same views on everything. Surprisingly, in Prometheus’ society no one is considered an individual and …show more content…

I wept in deliverance and in pity for all mankind” (Rand, 98). This powerful sentiment revealed how powerful thinking in first person can be. For all of Prometheus’ life he was thinking through society’s guidelines. As he tried to break that barrier, he was told time and time again not to question how things work and focus on doing his job day to day. Luckily Prometheus was able to break the barrier as he began to think purely by himself. As he continues writing he uses I instead of what he used before, we. This represents him leaving his society as he leaves their rigid thought processes in order to think freely without being criticized. As Prometheus discovers books from the unmentionable times he is able to comprehend that his sins and transgressions have made him a free man known as I, not