Propaganda Used By Great British Women During World War II

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During World War II propaganda was widespread as both the Axis and Allied Powers tried to keep their citizens invested in the war effort. This propaganda was widespread including leaflets, television, radio and most importantly posters. Posters were used because of their appeal: they were brief, creative, flashy, and mentally stimulating. Great Britain was losing for most of the war and they needed a way to keep morale up. As a result,, they created posters in order to boost morale and get citizens to aid on the homefront by using pride, fear, and nationalism. The first poster encourages factory workers to work hard and to make what they’re making reliable by showing a transport breaking down in battle and the phrases “Front-line breakdowns …show more content…

Displaying the woman at the front of the poster uses the persuasive technique of plain folks which makes other women see themselves as the one on the poster. Similarly to the last poster, this poster also makes the workers feel pride in their job by showing all of the tanks and planes created by the women working in the factories. However, this had a greater effect on the women than it did on the factory workers because at the time, women rarely had jobs so it made them feel important and it also used the persuasive technique of bandwagoning. These techniques are effective because it makes the women of Britain want to work in the factories as a result of this being one of the first times they could work, and it makes them feel pride in the job that they got to …show more content…

and defend England against the Germans by showing a family seeing planes of the R.A.F. and the message “air defense is home defense”. This poster uses the persuasive technique of repetition to stress the importance of defense in the war. This along with the planes of the R.A.F. is trying to convince people to join the R.A.F. to defend England. It also uses the technique of plain folks by showing a normal looking family in order to show who they would be defending. Much like the other two posters it causes the pilots of the R.A.F. to have pride in their job by showing the admiration of the common folks. The techniques are effective because it makes people want to defend the country, show who they would be defending, and the admiration that they would get from those that they are

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