Prophecy Of Elisha Research Paper

1497 Words6 Pages

Jason Murray
Ms. Manning
January 17th, 2017

Prophecy Project Elisha is the son of Shaphat and Elijah's successor. Elisha is well known throughout most of Israel because he heals and helps many different people, but his major audience is the Israelites. Elisha’s message to the people is to believe in God and those who believe in Him are rewarded. Elisha shares many similarities to Elijah, which would be expected, because Elisha is Elijah’s servant. They both perform amazing miracles with God’s help, they both lead prophets of Israel, and both have bizarre deaths. Elijah is taken up by flaming chariots and Elisha's corpse brings a man back to life. Elisha is born into agricultural family and when Elijah approaches him, and Elisha is plowing a field with twelve oxen, which is a sign of wealth. Most prophets in Old Testament are poor, or mid-way on the wealthy to poor scale. Elisha is more even-tempered than some prophets who are very angry when preaching, or have mood swings like Elijah who went through a period of depression. I choose Elisha because …show more content…

The people do not correct themselves and a famine comes just as Elisha prophesied. In the famine, Elisha travels to Gilgal. The prophets need food, so they go out to gather some food for a vegetable stew. One prophet comes back with some wild gourds, which are poisonous. Elisha asked for some of the stew that was made, pours it back into the pot, and asks them to eat it again. They do, and do not get sick from it. Later, a man brings a present of fruit and bread to Elisha. Elisha tells his servant to give the food to the people. There are hundreds of people there and only a small amount of food. The food is distributed and everyone receives enough, even with some left over. Elisha is kind to everyone, even to outsiders. For example, Elisha cures Naaman’s leprosy, even though he commander to the king of