Proportional Representation And Popularity Rule In Th The Electoral College

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ID questions: You will need to produce a minimum of a paragraph (5 sentence) response for each of the four terms.

Proportional Representation compared to plurality rule in electing legislative bodies, the Electoral College (chapter 9), the media’s role in democracy, political socialization

plurality rule
Proportional Representation is a system in which parties gain representation in proportion to the number of votes casted for them. For example, from a 10-member district, if the Republicans win 50% of the votes, then they'll get 5 members, if the Democrats get 40% of the votes, then they’ll get 4 members. In the other side of the spectrum is Popularity rule, which is a system in which the winner takes it all. From the past example, The republican won the majority of votes by 5 against 4, and then by the popularity rule the Republicans win the election with 10 seats, and the Democrats get non . Proportional Representation and popularity rule are completely opposite from each other, and they have their advantages and disadvantages.

Electoral College …show more content…

Every states has a set number of electoral votes, and the number depends on the size of the state and its population. The state California has the most electoral votes with 53, and there are seven small states that each have 3 electoral votes each. The electoral college changes they way elections are made. Candidates can focus on bigger states and win an election without even win the majority of vote. And even though California has the most electoral votes, the value of a vote from california might be less of another state smaller state because it has a higher ratio of people per vote, which make politics more complicate and