Pros And Cons In Support Of The Death Penalty

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When I think about the death penalty, the first thing that comes to my mind is the victim and the family members of the victims. It is through the death penalty that the victim and family members receive retribution. Without the death penalty, prisons become overpopulated causing a stressful environment that creates conflict between prisoners. As these conflicts arise, the state will need to spend money to hire more guards and security to assist in these conflicts, which can be very costly. It is obvious that the death serves as a specific deterrence so that these criminals will not continue to commit these crimes. I am in support of the death penalty because it will reduce prison overpopulation, save money, and deter crime.
The death penalty can save prison thousands of money each year because prison has to pay for security staffing, clothing, shelter, food, health care and for rehabilitation programs. For instances, According to the Legislative Analyst's figures, it currently costs …show more content…

Death penalty would certainly be one of those extreme punishments that would create fear in those involved in criminal act. According to Ernest van den Haag, in his article "On Deterrence and the Death Penalty" mentions, "One abstains from dangerous acts because of vague, inchoate, habitual and, above all, preconscious fears" (193). We all know that all human beings, even animals, fear death. Therefore, most criminals would have to think twice before committing a crime, if they knew their life would be taken as a consequence. However, there is no statistical evidence that indicates the death penalty deters crime, but we all fear death. Suppose the death penalty did not exist, I believe more criminals would be inclined to commit horrific acts that would leave our society is