Socrates: The Profession Of A Teacher

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Profession of a teacher takes its roots in the Ancient Greece. Any society can 't survive without a teacher. The history of education started with the history of all humankind. Many societies don 't simply consider the basic goal of a teacher to teach literacy, but also to pass the knowledge of the life experience, traditions , cultures to younger generations. Teachers remind us parents who connect the generations. This profession is considered to be one of the oldest ones. The society couldn 't just exist if the younger generation changing the old one needed to start everything from the ashes, from scratch, without any base and the knowledge it inherited.
The creation of the system of writing by the Sumerians helped to preserve the knowledge …show more content…

The process of learning lasts till the end of our lives and it doesn 't end when we graduate from school or university. We learn from people, nature or from our life experiences, from our mistakes. It 's after people to decide who are their teachers and what to learn, no one can impose the knowledge on us or to make us study, the person himself needs to understand the true value of it.
Having weighed all pros and cons of Socrates as a teacher, cannot but agree to be his student. The reasons which drew my attention are as following: Socrates ' unique method of teaching, his strong believes and …show more content…

The Socratic Method is still relevant today, which explains its importance and effectiveness (Deductive, Modus Ponens).The influence of Socratic speeches was great. It once had been said that the true goal of the philosophy is not just to answer the questions, but to question the give answers .Something that made Socrates. different from other people is that while making a dialogue Socrates had a deep understanding of the question, already ready arguments and logic thought in favor of his own views. In dialogue he can be compared with 'iceberg ', significant part of which is hidden under water, you can 't detect it immediately, but only in unexpected moment for the opponent, defending the other point of view. His words were convincing, challenging and then passed to other people. The method that Socrates used is known as 'dialectic ', the 'Socratic Method ' or 'Socratic Debate ' . Many of us maybe accidentally ,but use this method of legal pedagogy. It is still used nowadays in law schools to describe some of the complex issues of the subject. We feel its influence probably in the scientific Method where the first step towards the proof is hypothesis. The Socrates Method is used to cut the problem in many questions and the answers to them gradually create good solutions. The leading force of this method should be curiosity both from the questioner and the questioned sides. This method simply provides