Pros And Cons Of Coast Guard Rescues

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Imagine you are out on the boat with your family, like you’ve done for years. Out of nowhere the boat runs out of gas and one of you starts to get ill, nobody in your family can help. So of course you call for help. What you don’t realize is that rescue will cost a lot of money. But this doesn’t just pertain to coastal resources, any rescue can cost an extreme amount of money. The question every one is asking is who should pay. But people should be held accountable for everything that they would be held responsible for anyway.
According to the author, the Coast Guard rescues about “114 people per day at a total cost of $680 million annually”(Bryant 2). This total doesn’t include the cost of of man hours or other things that could be needed. So when you get in trouble who will pay for you to get rescued? In the U.S, the government pays for you to …show more content…

As many people are saying “the importance of a human life outweighs economic concerns” (Andrews). A person’s life should mean more than any cost. Which is completely true. Some situations are unavoidable and completely accidental. Other situations are not.
On the other hand, many people believe that the rescuee had it coming. Most of people who get hurt are unprepared and weren’t trained enough for whatever they were doing. They often think that just because they were caught in a unfortunate situation they shouldn’t have to deal with the consequences. As this source states, “...if people want to violate safety regulations blatantly, those are the people that we feel should be taught a lesson." (Sharples)
Overall, “the vast majority of people who take to the outdoors return home safely.” (Sharples). With knowing how much everything costs and who ultimately pays. I strongly believe that in certain situations the rescuee should be paying for their rescue and as a nation we should be making more of an effort to make sure these debts are not passed on to an unknowing