Pros And Cons Of Cochlear Implants

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There have many controversies regarding deaf children; one in particular is the cochlear implant debate. Over 90% of Deaf children have parents who are considered “hearing” (NIDCD,2008). Thus, it is unrealistic to assume that the deaf culture is making these decisions. In fact, people that know little about this culture are making a majority of these decisions. It is important to note this point regarding the debate. In order for individuals who are not part of this community to make educated decisions regarding this controversy, is it important to understand both sides of the debate. One would assume that many individuals in the Dear community would be against the idea of cochlear implants. Although a majority to share this point of view, there are still many people within this community that are for giving their children cochlear implants (Sparrow, 2005). The individuals that feel this way feel so because they do not see being deaf as an impairment. More so, they agree with the idea that American Sign Langue is another language and not a dialect of English. …show more content…

They understand that they are part of both of these worlds however want to keep a connection to the other planet and reject the idea of Cochlear implants (Hott, 2007). On the other hand some individuals of the Deaf community understand the idea of the two different worlds and understand there are some benefits to having a part in both of these worlds. These individuals are more open to the idea of Cochlear implants insertion (Hott,