Pros And Cons Of Columbus

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I think Columbus should be remembered for the good and the bad things he did. I don't think that Columbus should be portrayed in a good light but I also don’t think he should be portrayed in a completely bad light either. Columbus contributed a lot to today's society without Columbus’s voyage to the Americas we wouldn't be here today. Columbus was one of the brave voyagers who decided to disagree with many people of that time and believe that the earth was round. Columbus set out to find a quicker less expensive way to import Indian goods such as spices. Although Columbus had a lot of beneficial achievements he also had a lot of harmful actions. Columbus in his time was not known positively, Columbus was compared to a wild beast that enjoyed killing, torturing, and …show more content…

The monarch didn't want Columbus to torture, enslave or kill any natives because they were potential Spanish subjects. “Columbus’s journal presents his account of what he encountered and did on his first voyage to the Americas. This was not a personal journal; instead, it was intended to inform the King and Queen about the “New World” and his activities there.” Columbus knew that the monarch would read his journal that's why he wrote about his good-natured acts toward the natives. Columbus wrote in his journal about giving the natives “cotton and gold for fragments of bows, glasses, bottles, and jars; which I forbade as being unjust, and I gave them many beautiful and acceptable articles which I had brought with me, taking nothing from them in return;”. Columbus spoke very nicely about the natives in his journal so the monarch would know he treated the natives with respect and never asked for anything from them in return. Columbus did let his own opinion of the natives show when he wrote in his Letter to Lord Raphael Sanchez on the 14th of March in 1493 “Thus (the natives) bartered, like