Pros And Cons Of Concealed Carry

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Concealed Carry: Should The Age Be 18 or 20 Years of Age?
Guns, they’re already a touchy subject in the world today especially with mass shootings and terrorist attacks on the United States that could happen at any moment and when the new bill proposed to lower the concealed carry permit age to 18 to 20-year-old people, a good number of claims were brought up to go against the bill. With the majority of the people who this bill would affect, most of them are in college at these ages and with most campuses having a strict no gun policy this bill would not really be useful to people on campus like some of the arguments that are for the bill claim that the bill would come in handy. Some of the arguments against this idea deal with sexual assault, …show more content…

I agree with this claim despite the fact that I am not in support of this bill, because a fire arm is the best way to stop a sexual assaulter especially with an American being sexually assaulted every 98 seconds (Scope Of The Problem: Statistics | RAINN). If this bill does become a law it could protect sexual assault victims but it could also give the assaulter a new means of attacking, because this bill will also apply to them if they pass the background checks to get a fire arm. That means that the bill could make a turn for the worse and get guns in the hands of the wrong people than what the main argument for it wants to. With college aged women being three times more likely to be sexually assaulted, this bill could help them out by putting guns in their hands to protect themselves in case a sexual assaulter tries to attack them but if the assaulter has a gun and the victim does not then there would be a big problem (Scope Of The Problem: Statistics | RAINN). In Utah where this bill is trying to be passed, Mori Kessler states that “the primary argument for the bill is that it will give young adults a much better means of defending against sexual violence, particularly on college and university campuses” which would make sense but as stated the guns could get into the wrong hands and become a huge problem for the victims (Mori Kessler). On the contrary there could be other solutions to aide would be victims of sexual assault, which could be to have a self-defense class offered or to use other non-lethal ways of defending one’s