Article Summary: The Importance Of Diversity In The Workplace

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Article Summary In human resource management we learn that diversity is a strength to any organization. It allows for many cultures to come together to make an organization be available to a wider base of customers. As I read this article Sarah Fister Gale explains that there are many reasons why diversity is not always the best thing that a company could have. She explains that it is not necessarily needed within an organization because it brings a lot of friction with people from different cultures and it can cause many law suits for the organization. Gale states that although there have been a decrease in discrimination claims for companies not hiring, there has also been a rise in harassment suits from employees because other employees …show more content…

Companies try to have a more diverse set of employees there needs to be a strong set of policies that the employees understand as well as a visual of repercussions if the bulling or harassment takes place. Regardless of the position of the person who is harassing there needs to be evidence for other employees that this sort of behavior will not be allowed within an organization in order for the company to properly function. This will allow for a happier staff as well as avoid law suits for unfair treatment and harassment from their employees. There will always be pros and cons when it comes to having diversity in any organization it just depends on how upper management handles the situations and policies that will affect the ability for it to work or …show more content…

We have learned that diversity is needed in every organization to make it stronger. Although with this article it explains that diversity is a negative thing and can cause many situations that can lead to a high employee turnover or termination rate. With having a high turnover and termination rate it can cause an organization to lose more money for having to replace these employees. Management needs to find ways to instill the right policies for their company to try to avoid any law suits and cost it would have to make to replace their

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