Pros And Cons Of Dnr

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A Do Not Resuscitate order or a DNR simply means no code or to allow natural death. Many people request to have one written by a doctor if they see the need to have one. However, that does not mean they made the right choice to have it. DNR have many downs sides and also ups too. It just depends on what kind of person you are and what you think is best for you and your situation if you are able to make that call. A DNR has many positives as it does negatives and can be viewed as unethical depending on each individual patient and situation.
A do not resuscitate or a DNR is an order written by a doctor for people that don’t want CPR or anything to save them when they are not breathing or responding. A DNR does not mean do not treat it just simply …show more content…

Based on the success of this intervention, CPR became the standard of care for all etiologies of cardiopulmonary arrest and the universal presumptive consent to resuscitation evolved. However, in 1974, the American Heart Association (AHA) recognized that many patients who received CPR survived with significant morbidities and recommended that physicians document in the chart when CPR is not indicated after obtaining patient or surrogate consent (ibid). This documentation formally became known as the DNR order. (“Braddock III”). A DNR order was created for people that wish to not have anything done to them in a situation where their life is on the line. DNR orders apply to everyone that wishes to have one. Elderly people usually have a DNR when they are terminally ill or they know their time on earth is coming to an end. If a middle aged person or a toddler/ infant has a DNR then they most likely have a terminal illness that nothing can be done to help them. But there are very few that have …show more content…

The primary principles of medical ethics are autonomy, non-maleficence, beneficence, and justice. Autonomy is the basis for informed consent and means that the patient has the capacity to act voluntarily and with an understanding of the consequences of his or her actions. Non-maleficence means that patients should not be put in a position where they could experience unnecessary harm or injury. Beneficence, on the other hand, means that the care given to patients should be care that will benefit the patient. Justice requires that patients be treated equally and fairly. (“state university”). An advance directive is something that tells the doctor what kind of care you want if you get where you can’t, like if you are in a coma or some thing to that sort. They describe the treatments depending on how sick you are. Some tell the kind of treatment you get no matter how sick or ill you are. If you tell them that’s the treatment you want them that's what you get no matter