
Pros And Cons Of Drilling Into Arctic National Wildlife Refuge

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Introduction: With oil being as valuable as it the debate of whether or not to drill into Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is one of the hottest debates today. Drilling in the “ANWR” is controversial because it provides several benefits, but along with those benefits there are also several negatives. A few reasons to not drill into “ANWR” is because it is home to several wildlife and plants and exploring the area will endanger them. Also, the amount of oil believed to be under the land isn’t confirmed and also should we drill the oil will eventually run out. And drilling and exploring the area will also cause tons of pollution. The only real pro of drilling is that the United States will possibly get access to billions of barrels of oil and could cutback on the amount of oil it imports. Considering the pros and cons of the situation it seems pretty clear that the cons outweigh the pros so, it would be illogical to drill for oil.
It was in 1960 when “ANWR” was first formed, President Eisenhower passed “Public Land Order 2214” which established 8.9 million acres of Northeastern Alaska as a protected wildlife …show more content…

At this time the US should not be depending so much on oil. Increasing dependence on oil could lead to more dilemmas like this in which the US destroys beautiful natural ecosystems to further find more oil and continue drilling. But, if alternate energy techniques were to be invented it would be so much more convenient and beneficial. It's not wise to “exploit every last drop of oil” the US should be logical about it and also focus on maintaining wildlife refuge. If alternate energy sources are found natural ecosystems wouldn't be getting destroyed, there wouldn't be as much pollution, climate change wouldn't be as big a issue and it would possibly be cheaper than going out and drilling for oil.

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