Pros And Cons Of Eugenics

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Although, the state may not mandate the practice of eugenics or force sterilizations the power of public opinion and scrutiny is enough to change a society. There have been many instances where governments would employ propaganda or using media in order to compel the public to do as it desires. With greater knowledge of genetics and the development of gene editing, it may just be easier to make children the way a person desires. This is called designer babies where a child has their genes edited. This can result in an advantage for those who are edited to be smarter, stronger, and/or have other traits to give people who have been edited an advantage. As a result, parents may be pressured to have their potential kids' genes edited in order to …show more content…

Although, there are many cons to genetic testing and preference, to fetal development, and pregnancy there is also a flipside to them which is why there is a debate. Surrogacy allows people who are not able to bear children on their own. Humans have an innate desire to have children that carry their genetics thus this is one way of fulfilling that desire for women or men who are infertile or suffer other complications that may render them unable have children on their own. Similarly, IVF also helps those who have fertility issues. It is an intense and expensive process that places fertilized eggs inside the uterus which greatly increases the chances of conception. IVF can be used in conjunction with surrogacy. There are cases when a woman who is infertile can have even her grandmother carry the child to term. Infertility is increasing and thus choices for those suffering from it is beneficial. Another option for those finding it hard to conceive a baby is an artificial womb which allows for a baby to be born outside the womb. Not only is it good for infertility but it is positive for the LGBTQ+ couples who can not make a baby. It also makes family planning easier and family planning is a great marker for success for children. It can also make parenthood more equal between couples because it is no longer the woman who will have to carry the child and possibly have it affect her career because of maternity leave. Most notably, it can act as an incubator for severely premature babies who have a high chance of mortality. Premature babies have a probability to face the effects into adulthood and putting the premature babies in the womb may prevent complications including death. The biological revolution is important for those who want to undergo a prenatal screening especially as the age that women have children increase so does the riskiness of pregnancy for not only