
Pros And Cons Of Factions

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According to The Federalist, there are few methods to go about the issues of factions. In The Federalist, No.10, the pros and cons of the Union are listed; along with some of the adjectives are instability, injustice, and confusion.The main cause is the factions. The factions are are numbers of citizens that amount to either a majority or minority of the whole who are united and actuated by a common impulse of any sort.The methods for curing the mischiefs, the methods for removing the causes of factions are listed in The Federalist, No. 10. The methods for curing the mischiefs of the faction are removing its causes and controlling the effects.There are two other two methods for removing the causes of factions. The first method is destroying liberty. The second method is giving every citizen the same opinions, the same passions, and the same interests. The issue of ridding of freedom would be worse than having factions. Liberty is essential to the faction’s existence.Liberty is also essential to political life which is essential to faction life, which benefits animal life. The causes of factions are man made. …show more content…

Having a republican government benefits better than the democratic government because of the delegation of the government and the greater number of citizens and greater sphere of country over. Having delegations of the government on one hand, refines and enlarges the public views by passing them through the medium of a chosen body of citizens. Those citizens having wisdom my best discern their true interest of their country and those who have true patriotism and love of justice will be least to sacrifice to temporary and partial considerations. Although the effect may be inverted. People in factions may first obtain the sufferages and then betray the interests of people, if the people are of temper,of local prejudices, or of sinister design by intrigue or

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