Pros And Cons Of Garcina Cambogia

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Garcina Cambogia known as one of the best weight lost medicine on the market. I found this product from the internet I looked up commonly used weight loss supplements and found this product. It was release to the public in 2013. Garcinia has many positives as well as negatives. Some positives are that it is made from all natural fruit, so there is little risk of artificial ingredients. It blocks fat from being stores in the body. If a person is trying to burn fat, it is helps stop more from being stored. limiting the amount of cholesterol both LDL and triglyceride that are absorbed into the body. This product also suppresses a person’s appetite by increasing the amount of serotonin in the body. this product is also easy to attain, it is sold from many online retailer and local markets prescription is not required. …show more content…

There have been rare allergic reactions because of the hydroxycitric acid in the fruit which is very similar to the acid found in tropical and cirrus fruits. The effects of using product long-term have not been researched, so it can be dangerous to use it for too long. Some side effect from garcinia are nausea, headaches, and discomfort in your digestive system. One of the brands of garcinia caused hepatotoxicity damage to the liver caused by chemicals. They have stated that not all brands are made equal, nor are they all safe. There are also negative interactions between the supplement and certain medicines, such as statins or insulin. Garcinia can affect the levels of serotonin in the brain, so it could have a negative effect on those with dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. It is also said that the science is efficient a person will lose weight but the product wont happens

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