Pros And Cons Of Gay Marriage In Australia

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Should Gay Marriage Be Legalized In Australia? Should marriage only be between a man and a woman?
Written by Chizuru Hettiarachchi
Recently, I read an article on the incredible love story of Richard and Daryl. They met online in 2002. Richard was living in America and Darryl in Australia. Richard sold everything he owned, left his country, family and close friends behind to be with the love of his life. Richard spent his entire life savings to move to Australia but doesn’t have the option to marry Daryl after removing all obstacles to be together. Richard and Daryl are just like heterosexual couples who are law abiding, hardworking, tax-paying citizens, so why aren’t they given the right to marriage? In the article Richard says “We do not …show more content…

Senator Leyonhjelm said, "He would prefer I didn't [introduce the bill], and he is not enthusiastic about it”, this upsets activists and the proud gay community of Australia. As they realize same sex marriage for citizens such as Daryl and Richard will be a distant dream, unless Tony Abbott decides to change his mind.
Although, marriage is defined in the Marriage Amendment Act 2004, as the union of a man and a woman to the exclusion of all others, voluntarily entered into for life. Marriage is a commitment deeply rooted in human nature. Denying gay people the decision to marry is discriminatory and generates a second class of citizens, in Australia. No one should be treated as a second class citizen. Gay people such as Richard and Daryl don’t want to be tolerated but treated as equally as a straight …show more content…

A study conducted by the US government showed the seven states of America with the highest divorce rates between 2003 and 2008 all had constitutional prohibitions to gay marriage shows a government study”.
Many religious leaders and churches support gay marriage and say it is consistent with scripture. Gene Robinson, openly gay former Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of New Hampshire, stated in September. 2012: "Scripture says where love is, there is God also. And they [religious people] see that love in our families, and I think people can't help but be supportive." However, extremists believe that gay marriage is not consistent with scripture and think gay people can be “cured with treatment and religion”. This preposterous belief should be left in the dark ages. As gay people can’t change who they are, it is a part of what makes the. This belief created by extremists therefore is a man-made rewiring of a predisposition playing, god which is