Gay Marriage Persuasive Essay

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Gays should be given the right to marry. As of June 26, 2015 the LGBT community worshiped the Supreme Court for legalizing gay marriage. Not everyone believes that same-sexs should be able to get married. Then there are others that believe that they should be able to get married. Just think if the love of your life was the same gender as you. How would you feel if you could not marry the person that you loved? Love is a human right. Gay and Lesbains couples want to get married for the same reasons that straight couples want to get married; love, rite of passage, and celebration of commitment. Some of the protections of marriage in the U.S.A., which are denied to gay couples include the following: hospital visitations, child custody, adoption, parenting rights, medical decision making power, automatic inheritance, divorce protections, spousal and child support, social security benefits, exemption from property tax upon death of spouse, and more(Marriage). Allowing gay marriage to be legal, it will decrease the divorce rate(10). More than 50% of married couples in America get divorced. Allowing gays the opportunity to get married it will increase marriage rates, because less couples will get divorced due to incompatibility or infertility(10). The divorce rate in the states that allow gay marriage is 20 percent lower than the states the …show more content…

Married same-sex couples will enjoy the same legal rights and benefits as married heterosexual couples(Supreme). Treasury Department and the Internal Revenue Services announced that legally married same-sex couples would be recognized for all federal income tax purposes, regardless of where they live. The IRS will recognize married same-sex couples for the purpose of income tax, estate and gift taxes, and payroll taxes associated with many employee spousal benefits

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