Essay On The Stonewall Riot

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On June 26th, 2015, the Supreme Court ruled that gay marriage is a right, and should be protected by the U.S constitution. Therefore gay marriage became legal in all 50 states (Gay Marriage, ProConorg Headlines.). The fight for gay rights can be traced back to 3 a.m on June 23rd, 1969, The Stonewall riot took place on this day. The Stonewall riot was gays and lesbians fighting back to the police for raiding the gay bars, this was during a time period when homosexuality was illegal in all states except Illinois (Gay Marriage, ProConorg Headlines.). There are arguments for and against gay marriage.
On the opposing side of gay marriage, there is an argument that says that marriages thrive when there are gender typical …show more content…

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) thinks people of the LGBTQ community should have the freedom like everyone else to have an intimate relationship with another person. Without endangering their families and other close friends ("LGBT Rights." American Civil Liberties Union.). Over 80 years the ACLU has included LGBTQ in civil rights and civil liberties for all( "LGBT Rights." American Civil Liberties Union.). There's still a lot more work that needs to be done to achieve equal right and treatment among all people. As of 2014, 17 countries are fully nondiscriminatory, which means that same sex couples can marry and adopt children ( "Marriage Equality | Revel & Riot." Revel Riot.) if people were denied the right to marry it is discrimination and created a second class of citizens (Gay Marriage, ProConorg Headlines.). The concept of “traditional marriage” has changed over time and the definition of marriage being between a man and a woman inaccurate (Gay Marriage, ProConorg Headlines.). Gay marriages bring financial aid to the federal, state, and local governments, and can boost the economy in a major way (Gay Marriage, ProConorg