Persuasive Essay On Gay Rights

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Gay Rights Currently in the United States, gay marriage is legal, but their rights are not protected. Some adoption agencies can still say no to a couple applying for adoption, just on the mere factor that they are homosexual (Gray). Many jobs still discriminate against LGBT individuals, and studies are showing alarming rates of discrimination and harassment to gay and transgender employees. Some have even lost their job from their sexuality (Burns and Krehely). This is not okay. All humans, regardless of their sexuality, religion, skin color, race, gender, etc, are deserving of equal rights. LGBT individuals should be entitled to equal rights in all aspects. On October 1st, 1993, President Bill Clinton signed into act the “Don’t Ask, Don’t …show more content…

We need a system where you will not be discriminated against at work due to your sexuality, as your sexuality does not affect how you perform at your job. The Employment Non-Discrimination Act would make it, under federal law, illegal to discriminate based on someone's gender identity and perceived or actual sexual orientation in any aspect of employment (Hunt). ENDA also protects employees from discrimination because of associating with other employees who are LGBT, and safeguards all workers from retaliation if they complain about gender identity or sexual orientation discrimination (Hunt). ENDA would extend to all federal, state, and local government agencies, employment agencies, private employers with 15 or more employees, and unions. The only exemptions would be religious organizations and religiously affiliated entities, which includes all missions, houses of worship, or schools that have the cause of teaching religious doctrines or religious worship. We need to eliminate the prejudice against LGBT people. Everyone is a someone, regardless of who they are affiliated with, what title(s) they hold, religion, race, skin color, gender, sexual orientation, age, etc. People are people regardless. They need to all be treated as so. The Employment Non-Discrimination Act would help in guaranteeing equal rights to all, but we all need to do our part in helping each other out. Be