
Pros And Cons Of Genetic Modification

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Should Biological Modification be illegal? Every day that goes by humans discover more and more ways to manipulate the things people have in present day life such as crops, animals, bacteria for medicine and even babies. Most people disagree with the science of manipulating genes to get their desired outcome and to make the “perfect baby.” Although many people do not see this as a beneficial thing or they might think its wrong there can be plenty of reasons that its a very beneficial and sometimes necessary. …show more content…

Every year more and more scientific abilities are discovered and genetic engineering and transgenics continue to present intriguing and difficult challenges for 21st century scientists, and education and meaningful, respectful conversations are just the beginning of what is required to tackle such complex ethical issues. In her article Lenda Glenn says “Genetic engineering and transgenics continue to present intriguing and difficult challenges for 21st century scientists and ethicists” (Glenn). This proves that there will always be problems in this field to be addressed. Biological engineering should be legal because it creates the ability to modify things such as plants, animals, and other organisms to better our human existence and it allows us to do things that couldn't otherwise be …show more content…

The process of creating a transgene begins by selecting the gene of interest from an organism or selecting for purchase any of the thousands of known genes from massive online genomic databases. The field of transgenics allows scientists to develop organisms that express a trait not normally found in a species. An example of this would be hypoallergenic pets that people with bad allergies can have as pets without all the negative effects of the allergens that come with a regular animals. Nowadays, breakthroughs in molecular biology are happening at an unprecedented rate. One of them is the ability to engineer transgenic animals for example animals that carry genes from other species. The majority of transgenic animals produced so far are mice, the animal that was first used in the beginning of the science . There is also synthetic biology this is the most interesting. Synthetic biology differs from transgenics in that it is the design and construction of completely novel biological systems not found in nature. This creates the ability to do the same to other animals that can be used for different purposes, one being the consumption of them. We often use cows and chickens the most and some examples of the way we engineer them for example would be a super cow who's been modified to have more lean muscle and be more

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