Pros And Cons Of Globalization And The Opening Of An Air Iverson Industry

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Thesis Statement: Globalization and the opening of an Air Iverson factory would be positive as it relates to population migration because of the opportunity it offers internal migrants moving from the countryside to urban areas a chance for more pay, better access to education, and a way to deal with Chinese overpopulation. Additionally, it is made possible for people to see their families in rural areas when working in urban areas on the Chinese migration on New Years. Johnson, Ian. "China’s Great Uprooting: Moving 250 Million Into Cities." The New York Times. The New York Times, 15 June 2013. Web. 05 May 2016. In this renowned newspaper, this article speaks on the controversial issue of population migration as it relates to Chinese moving from rural countryside to urban cities. Johnson introduces the article with the growing need for industrialization but also the hint at downsides of urbanization. The article is seen from the viewpoint of the author who tells of factual information on the topic, on both the pros and the cons of population migration, with some quotes from Chinese people on the topic. The article concentrates on the cultural, social, and economical issues of migration on people, the …show more content…

He serves as President and Managing Director of Quantify China Associates, and he is the former Vice President of Investor Relations for Civitas Capital Group, working asset management and financial services firm with operating divisions focused on alternative investments, EB-5 funds and wealth management. Also, he is President of the Michigan State University Beijing Alumni Club. Because of his clear interest and background with Beijing and China as a whole, he is well educated on China, including population migration. There are little weaknesses in this source because it is primarily composed of facts and statistics without really taking a side on whether Chunyun is good or bad. Thus, this renders this source non-biased and extremely