Pros And Cons Of Government Snooping

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Should government be allowed to snoop and eavesdrop threw your private things? To me eavesdropping threw somebody's private stuff and snooping threw things that are not your business is wrong. The only time government should be allowed to snoop on your personal stuff is if you have a record of being a possible terrorist or known for being a criminal.
(The U.S government only searched for detailed information calls involving fewer than 300 specific phone numbers among the millions of raw phone records collected by the National Security Agency in 2012).1 The government is really just a group of people who ruin this country. This country cannot be free and live united if we have government snooping threw things and the people of the united states being watched and snooped on and getting into our internet and watching what we watch and looking through private messages. The phone and internet data collection programs seem to be the first started under the patriot act which was renewed in 2006 and 2011. Who's behind snooping? (PRISM is behind snooping it's a second program ran by the government and was revealed later in the day in 2011 and first reported on by washington post and the guardian under the U.S Intelligence agencies have been …show more content…

Who can legally monitor our phone calls and messages? Here's who, Law enforcement in (1944 congress passed the law of communications assistance for law for the law enforcement act). Federal laws allows recording of phone calls and other electronic communications).1 The state and federal laws mentioned above deal primarily with wiretapping and eavesdropping by law enforcement officials all