
Pros And Cons Of Having A Child With Autism

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Did you know that every 1 in 68 kids are born with autism in the United states? That is a 30% increase from 1 to 88 children from just two years ago. Having a child with autism is different in many ways than having a child without autism. There are many parents that are not sure what to do or how to take care of their children. In this paper you will read about the difficulties that most parents face when they have a child with autism.
According to AppliedBehaviorAnalysisEdu.org, “Between four and five times as many boys as girls are diagnosed with ASD each year, and the same has been true for as far back as there are records”. No one is Completely sure why boys are more likely to have autism than girls. David H. Skuse has a hypothesis that …show more content…

They are alike in a few ways to, normally people with ASD will get into video games or just hooked on one thing that they really enjoy and find interest in. Both Justin and Jayzen love playing video games over anything else, they will play them all day and all night if you would let them and that is common for people with ASD. Something else people need to know about kids with autism is that they learn differently from everyone else. Most of the time they learn with either seeing how something is to be done, listening to you explain how to do it, or them just doing it themselves. One thing you have to learn when having someone around with autism is that you need to be patient with them, talk to them and if they don't understand something then try explaining it in a different …show more content…

Every child with autism is different but they will most likely be the same in a few different ways like not wanting to be touched, or loving to be around people. You have to watch your child and see how they react to different things of what they like and don’t like. Some children with ASD will have trouble learning, talking, writing, and many other things that they are going to need your help with as they get

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