Summary Of The Article 'Faces Of Autism' By Mary Murray

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The article, “Faces of Autism”, by Pamela Hudson Baker, Mary Murray, and other colleagues is informative and insightful because the authors give detailed stories about the two children who have been diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. Both of these children have varying behaviors and personality characteristics, and the authors indulge readers with helpful strategies that can be implemented in a classroom setting to ensure teachers can better accommodate the student with the similar commonalities. At this point in time in education, teachers need to know how to effectively implement new strategies such as like the strategies mentioned in this article because there is currently such a rapid growth in individuals who are diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. According to the article, “Prevalence and Characteristics of Autism Spectrum Disorder Among Children Aged 8 Years…” “Prevalence of autism in U.S. children increased by 119.4 …show more content…

She stated, “I need help!” “I do not know how to help a student learn the state capitals.” My teacher asked, “How did you try helping the student?” She replied, “Well, I have gone over all of the capitals with my students, and they have taken notes about the locations and surroundings of the capitals from a map.” “This student only knew one.” My teacher asked, “How did you assess him?” her response was “I asked out loud, “What is the capital of Georgia?” My teacher said, “Please, send him to my class.” I watched my teacher print a large map of the United States. He took out a packet of stickers, and wrote three capitals on three different stickers, and gave them to the student throughout the class while he continued teaching our lesson. By the end of the lesson, the student labeled the map correctly. As I walked out the door, the other teacher uttered, “How in the world did he learn the capitals so fast?” She had the dumbfounded look on her

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