Pros And Cons Of I-81

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I-81 The I-81 viaduct through the center of Syracuse, NY is one of the city’s defining landmarks. It has also reached the end of its design life, and there are serious arguments about what the future of I-81 should look like. What is I-81? I-81 is the construction of Interstate 81 in Syracuse with the forced displacement of nearly 1,300 residents from the city's 15th Ward. It devastated a historic black community, severing the social fabric of the community and razing swaths of buildings, and with them, affordable housing options. Neighborhood deterioration, a glut of surface parking lots, and citywide population loss followed. (CNU) There are both pros and cons of I-81, building I-81 created uneven social and spatial impacts like made it easier for wealthier Syracuse residents to move to suburbs which led to in property values & economic fortune of suburb and property values for example good school, and on the other hand, it can also cause less wealthy residents (esp. displaced by I-81 were stuck) which prevented …show more content…

It has also reached the end of its design life. As I mentioned before people will support the community grid and some won’t. In my opinion, I think I will support I-81 because on the surface, large-scale urbanization is the so-called improvement of resource utilization efficiency and cost saving, but in essence, it also serves capital and serves the rich. The resources of small cities will be slowly sucked dry with large urbanization, and the wealth of the rich and talents will be concentrated in large cities. House speculation is rationalized, and high profits and low risk costs make all kinds of capital flock. Many subways have not yet been built, and the surrounding housing prices have doubled, and at the end there will always be someone taking over it. So this might be a chance where I can earn money and change the current living conditions and living