Pros And Cons Of Immigration

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Econ Summative Write Up
To start my presentation I played an activity. The class was split up in uneven teams for this activity, meaning some teams consisted of a small number of people, other teams consisted of a large number of people, and one team had four people. Each team was given the task to build the largest freestanding building using only the material given in 3 minutes. Each team was given the same amount of tape and paper. After the three minutes, the team with four people won. This activity was done to show the audience that having too many people can become ineffective as some people were doing nothing, but the teams with very little people were also ineffective as they could not get as much done. This enabled me to make the connection …show more content…

I think this activity went very well and efficiently portrayed my thesis. Afterwards, I talked about the basics of immigration, some myths about immigration, pros and cons of immigration, and my final opinion about the topic.
Throughout my presentation, I found that I did a lot of things well such as keeping the audience captivated, the way I spoke, and the way I backed up my points. Throughout the presentation, I asked the audience random questions to see if they could guess or if they knew any facts. For example, I asked the class how many immigrants we bring in every year and if they guessed any number, they were given a hershey kiss. Chocolates/prizes convinced more people to participate and captivated their attention, so I think that was a great way to assure people will listen. Moreover, I believe that I had a pretty loud and clear voice when speaking, and the fact that …show more content…

I think I could’ve spent more time discussing the questions that I asked and instead of just listening to what others say, maybe question something or say an argument back if possible to generate more discussion. Also, I could’ve asked follow up questions if they agreed with my point of view. Moreover, I could improve on my body language and use a bit more hand motions. I noticed I was pretty stiff and stuck in one spot, for further presentations I could try harder on moving around and being comfortable. Doing so would make it seem more like I’m having a normal conversation and not a super formal presentation, which would keep watchers interested. Additionally, I could have searched harder to find useful graphs to appeal to visual learners. In general, I found that I could have improved on my discussion skills, my body language, and I could have included graphs to better explain my