
Pros And Cons Of In Vitro Fertilization

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In Vitro Fertilisation more commonly known as IVF is a procedure which was created for couples who wish to have a child but cannot conceive naturally due to fertility issues, the procedure consists of the removal of an egg from the women and sperm cells from the man which are later joined outside the body and then injected back into the womens uterus. Due to advancement in biological research and technology, the option is out their now for parents to modify the genetic coding of their children during IVF treatment.

IVF treatment is a fertility procedure which allows individuals or couples who have trouble conceiving a baby naturally to fertilise eggs outside of the human body and in a laboratory. The procedure consist of multiple steps which …show more content…

Some of the genetic modifications available to paying IVF patients include the ability to lower the chance of the baby having disorders such as autism and down syndrome, the ability to choose gender, hair and eye colour, height , etc. Since the ability to create your ‘designer baby’ came to light parents began to use IVF to create an exact replica of an older sibling who is suffering terminal illness, the reason behind this is so that there is always someone to donate blood, organs, bone marrow and more to the terminally ill patient. The idea of ‘designer babies’ has many ethical issues which cause much controversy, the two most common opposing ideas are that the process of modifying you baby is unnatural and unethical whereas other believe it has the power to stop certain genetic diseases within the babies. At one stage in time the doctors who were able to help infertile women get pregnant were seen as heroes, but as soon as the same doctors talked about the ability to change the gender of a child many people began to question the area of IVF. Many parents who conceive their child naturally believe that the parents who genital modify their children are not accepting of the way in which their chid is naturally bought together through the two sets of genes. Along with the idea of creating a baby to best suit the needs of the parent there are many pro’s and con’s to having a designer baby, some pros of a ‘designer baby’ are as followed, it allows parents to give their children a healthier life, provides biologist and genealogist more knowledge of genes and genetics, increase human life by up to 30 years and allows the up keep of modern technology. Although many pro’s which are very tempting in the eyes of a parent the cons are just as persuasive, these include that the technology used is not 100% accurate and only in

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