Pros And Cons Of Industrialization

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Nationalism and industrialization are two factors that have heavily shaped the world throughout history, from nationalism being a cause for countless wars and imperialism to unifying and shaping countries. Industrialization on the other hand still shapes our world today just as much as it did in the 18th century. During the industrial revolution more efficient ways to farm, new jobs, and advances in medicine were created and improved. In spite of all the positives of industrialization with it also came child labor, pollution, and later on, more deadly weapons, Today industrialization has led to many technology advances which made life more efficient. Issues today, although not as dastardly as child labor, include privacy (net neutrality) and …show more content…

Since Germany had started later in the game, there was no period of time where Germany needed to figure out how to utilize coal and figure out exactly how to use industrialization to their advantage because they could look to England, see how they handled it and copy their method. Just like England, Germany improved their infrastructure by fixing roads and creating railroads where all of the lines connected, making trading easier. Germany had also controlled tariffs, especially on English products to encourage the German people to buy from their own markets instead of England’s. This was vital for Germany to do because not only did it keep business in Germany, which fostered nationalistic pride, it also created more money for Germany to pay off debts that England had paid long ago when the industrial revolution happened years ago. Another way Germany promoted trade within itself is by unifying their currency and organizing banks. All over Germany, new scientific research was being made, which the country supported, leading to new dyes in the chemical industry. The country also supported the steel market, which lead to weapon