Pros And Cons Of Industrialization In Japan

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Japan’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is the third highest ranked globally, raking in US$4730 billion in 2016 (Statistics Times, 2016). In 2015 alone, manufacturing facilities contributed to 20.5% of the country’s GDP (The World Bank, n.d.), showing how important these plants are to the economic growth of the country. Despite the fact that the government has put measures in place to ensure pollutants released by these facilities are kept at a minimum, more can be done. The benefits that arise from keeping limitations on pollutant emission a priority outweigh the pros of rapid product manufacturing, and will eventually lead to a stable, persevering economy.

GDP is an international measure of a nation’s wealth, and demonstrates the importance of industrialization in Japan’s economy. Much of the revenue has been targeted into improving the quality of living, with 3.3% of GDP invested in research, and development, 3.5% in education, and 10.2% in health services (OECD, 2015). Needless to say, these facilities have brought about a higher quality of life (QOL) for …show more content…

When washed into water bodies, contaminated soil can incite water pollution. Most importantly, crops grown on land accumulate the toxins in them. Should anything consume contaminated crops, there is a high chance of poisoning, even for humans, who play a big role in economic growth. It has been established that a higher QOL is a pro of industrialization; should something like this occur, that pro would be negated. The importance of ensuring soil is not contaminated is therefore,