Pros And Cons Of Justification Of The Death Penalty

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An in Depth Look at the Justification of the Death Penalty
Clinton Pappas
Glen Oaks Community College
This paper will discuss the justification of the death penalty. This paper will discuss the injustices involved with the death penalty. This paper will give an in depth look at the pros and cons of the death penalty.
An in Depth Look at the Justification of the Death Penalty The death penalty is a controversial ethical, legal, moral, and political issue. Proponents can make an argument for the justice of the death penalty. Abolitionist can make an argument of the injustices and abolishing the death penalty. The death penalty was reinstated in 1976. Between 1976 and 2016 there have been 1,432 executions. With 536 executions, …show more content…

Another con of the death penalty is an innocent man or woman could be put to death. A third con of the death penalty is it could be considered barbaric, immoral, and unethical. A fourth con of the death penalty is it could be more expensive than a life sentence, because of appeals. A fifth con of the death penalty is it does not allow for the rehabilitation of a criminal and a chance for remorse. A sixth con of the death penalty is that from a criminal psychological view point life in prison could be considered a more severe punishment, because criminals view the death penalty as a quick …show more content…

Abolitionist believe the death penalty is far too brutal for a civilized society. Abolitionist believe the government should not make the decisive decision of life or death. Abolitionist believe life in prison is an acceptable alternative to the death penalty.
The death penalty ends the life of a criminal that carried out a barbaric, immoral, violent, and unethical crime. The death penalty violently and brutally ends the life of evil criminals. The death penalty can be viewed as the punishment legally fitting the crime. The death penalty gives justice to the victims and their families. The death penalty gives the victims peace of mind. The death penalty can be viewed as a necessary evil to achieve justice.
The death penalty is viewed as a controversial ethical, legal, moral, and political issue. The legality of the death penalty is a constant debate between politicians. Proponents of capital punishment can make an argument for the justification of the death penalty. Abolitionist of capital punishment have made an argument of the injustices involved with the death penalty. Abolitionist have made a case for abolishing the death