Pros And Cons Of Juvenile Detention Centers

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Juvenile Detention Centers Do you know any youth that have gotten into so much trouble that they got sent off to a juvenile detention center? These youths are ones that do not know how to act. Juvenile Detention Centers are for the youth that find themselves in trouble, but the centers also offers education, living and other needs, while also ensuring they will be at court on their date. A day in the life of detention is very scary. When you first arrive the youth is removed from the cop car and led inside to the exterior doors and in the entrance of the hall. The control officer enables the entrance of the intake that goes out into the hallway. Once that door is shut the officer will electronically opened the door that is inside the entrance hallway of the detention hallway. When you make it in there you are asked to remove your shoes, jewelry and any personal belongings that you have on you. Then they will pat you down after so they can make sure you don’t have anything else on you that is not supposed to be. After you have did all that they will make you go through a metal detector and see if they missed anything. The youth is …show more content…

It is designed to help states improve outcomes for the juvenile offenders by better translating knowledge on “what works” into practice policy. Over the past years, much attention has been given to evidence based practice in the juvenile justice field as a way to reduce high recidivism rates and other negative outcomes for the youth. The resources such as the blueprints for the violence prevention and other enumerations of effective programs that produce positive outcomes for delinquent and at the risk of the youth. The comprehensive strategy distributes program services aimed at charging the behavior of the youth offenders by matching the allocation of those programs services aimed at changing the behaviors of youthful