Pros And Cons Of Performance Enhancing Drugs

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Performance enhancing drugs are very harmful and that is why our country allows them to be banned.Performance enhancing drugs prove to be very dangerous and show major negative effects on the human body therefore, this makes them illegal in the united states. Although majority sees performance enhancing drugs as a danger, some still acknowledge not only their cons but also their pros or positive outlooks on the subject. Some pros include the improvement of physical capabilities and this allows athletes to push themselves further to achieve more than they usually could. Performance enhancing drugs provide health benefits, some do have positive effects including the reduction of inflammation by allergies or by another sickness. The list of cons is a lot bigger, the side effects are worse and can result in liver damage, mood swings, hypertension, aggressive behavior, irregular heartbeat and other heart problems. Performance enhancing drugs are defined as “any substance taken by athletes to improve performance” the term usually refers to anabolic steroid use in sports by professional and ametuer athletes. …show more content…

It creates more muscle mass and allows you to lose body fat rapidly. The human growth hormone is illegal without using a prescription. Adreno-Corticotrophic Hormone alters the body’s ACTH levels. This is the hormone that is produced in the pituitary gland in the brain, ACTH regulates levels of steroid hormone cortisol. This hormone basically accelerated the body’s ability to repair tissue.Erythopoietin boosts the red blood cells. It increases the body’s oxygen-carrying potential which is why it is more likely to have seizures, strokes, or even death. Insulin is believed to provide a competitive advantage because it delivers glucose faster throughout the body, this is very harmful and it can lead to insulin shocks, seizures, or permanent brain