Pros And Cons Of Privatizing Social Security

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Privatizing Social Security
What is social security? Social Security can be defined in many ways. It can be described as a foundation of economic security for millions of Americans: retirees, disabled people, and families of retired, disabled, or deceased workers. This program can be defined by many different people. To the people that are in poverty, Social Security is defined as a primary source of income. Social Security not only benefits the rich but also the poor.
The controversy I will be focusing on in this paper would be the privatization of Social Security. Should Social Security be privatized? According to the site, 75% of people disagree with the fact that Social Security should be privatized. The 25% of people that …show more content…

Moving on to the first issue at hand, it would become insolvent by 2034. According to an article written by Carolyn Colvin, Acting Commissioner of Social Security, “Social Security is fully funded until 2034, and after that it is about three-quarters financed.” She also stated that in 2016, “President Barack Obama averted a near-term shortfall in DI. With that small, temporary reallocation of the Social Security contribution rate, the DI fund will now be able to pay full benefits until 2023, and the retirement fund alone will be adequate in 2035.” She thinks that it is important for the Congress to act well before 2023 in order to strengthen the finances of the program as a whole. The side that agrees with privatization argues that the only way to reduce the Social Security’s debt and bring the system back into solvency would be by