Which Liberalism Works To Create Different Types Of Social Order?

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In this essay the beliefs and principles of liberalism shall be discussed, and how liberalism works to create different types of social order in society. The essay will touch on that of the believes and principles of liberals and that of classical liberalism and neo-liberalism and how these ideologies create different types of social order in society.
Political ideology is a certain set of beliefs about political principles, doctrines and symbols held by a certain amount of people in society. There are five major political ideologies, which include anarchism, liberalism, conservatism, socialism, these ideologies are then used as a blue print on how society should work. It is also used to allocate power and how this power should be used. Different …show more content…

The left wing believe that society is best served with an expanded role for the government. This is an ideology that allows equality for every single member of society, which then leads to the maximum freedom for every individual within that society. Without this major step many people would still be oppressed and trapped in an unfair and unequal society. Liberalisms primary function is to enforce and define the laws the country has in place. Obviously without this primary function the country i.e. Ireland would be very restricted in what the public could and couldn’t do. Without defining and enforcing laws there would be anarchy and havoc within the society itself. A major belief that many liberals hold on the economic policy is that of higher taxation on the rich and stricter regulations on businesses. When liberals are in power this perspective then aids social programs, more government expenditure on public services and the less fortunate of the society. Another believe that the left wing hold is that Health care should be accessible to everyone not just the upper strata of society. The left believe that this is a major right to all citizens and oppose privatization of healthcare. Due to this believe everyone has access to healthcare, if the healthcare system was privatized prices of healthcare would soar and only the wealthy would only be able to afford the prices to receive treatment from the health care system, which was seen when the American health care system was