Essay Why Conservatives Can T Understand Liberals

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Why Conservatives Can’t Understand Liberals (and Vice Versa)
It is often said by the conservatives, though in a condescending tone, that the liberals are ungrateful and disorganized free riders. Similarly, the liberals have accused the conservatives of being intolerant and severely arrogant.
Unfortunately, both the sides have one thing in common; the extremity of their beliefs and their own theory of morality, which they use to berate their ideological opponents.
Conservatism, in essence, is a system of ideas that rely upon traditional values, morals and religious beliefs with little or no room for change or reformation. It opposes modernism and social plurality. It focuses primarily on the will of the racial, religious or ideological majority …show more content…

Liberals oppose traditional conservatism and seek to replace absolutism in the government with representative democracy and the rule of law.
This conservatism versus liberalism debate has been going fruitlessly for over centuries now. It started with the American civil war and the French resistance with no conclusive answer and mutual agreement as yet. Both the sides vocally reject the other’s ideas of morality, integrity, and duty. While Conservatives focus primarily on individual human recognition and unconditional duty towards the nation, the liberals give importance to the government’s duty towards the people and principles. Consequently, as the radically opposite ideologies crashed, a ruckus is inevitable.
The primary problem that is preventing both the advocates from understanding the ‘other side’ is the existence of a feeling of superiority and disregard towards each other’s aspects. The conservatives cannot understand why immigrants and minorities must have an equal share in their nation’s resources, while the liberals smirk at the conservatives’ traditional values and their focus upon nationalistic