
Pros And Cons Of Probation And Parole Officers

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The views on wither or not probation and parole officers should carry a firearm has been ongoing for many years. So much so that one hundred percent of the nation is still not in favor with them carrying a firearm. Maybe the reason for some reluctance is due to not feeling a gun is needed in every given situation. So with that note there has to be some pros and cons associated with probation and parole officers carrying firearms.
It should be an anonymous decision for probation and parole officers (PPO) to carry firearm right? With the danger of going into unknown neighborhoods and parolees it should be necessary. This is why “35 states require their officers to carry a firearm” (Holcomb, 2008). The thought of whether the person on the other side of the can just snap is a possibly, so parole officers …show more content…

This include juveniles as well as adults because of juveniles being more susceptible to “living in moment” and doing violent acts. This can also be in correlation to the juveniles being unable to control their emotion. However, the same can be said about adults especially those coming from a rural areas or victimized childhoods. That fact of the matter is guns are needed to keep a sense of power over the individual. To keep them from trying to push the line of testing their PPO is a must and helps provide the PPO with sense of security. Going back to the unknown dangers of the neighborhoods, it is evident that there are places within every state where officers of the law known to avoid or at least have back up before arriving. This is another reason that PPO would benefit by having a firearm. They will be better prepared for an unprecedented situation. Since a majority of parolees are from rural areas and sometimes are undereducated. As stated by the National Center for Policy Analysis, “36 percent of all felonies are committed by

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