Next, he supports his claim by addressing how writing changes an individual’s cognitive behavior and the cognitive effort generating text does to one’s memory. Thompson finally introduces the impact of the theory of multiples. In my analysis of Thompson’s text, I will examine, analyze and evaluate his central claims and the evidence he uses to support these claims to prove that the internet has helped us as writers. Thompson’s purpose is to persuade the audience that the internet is a central part of learning in order to improve the quality of
According to the prominent pathologist Bruce Friedman, admitted, “I’ve lost the ability to do that. Even a blog post of more than three or four paragraphs is too much to absorb. I skim it.” Carr cites a few studies of internet behavior that is influencing our brain to lack concentration. He proves
Both parents are professionals with advanced degrees.” The experiment showed little to no affect on writing. However, what if you didn’t have the benefits this girl had? What if you struggled in writing and grammar all your life, with no one to help guide you? Frequent text message users such as me have help at home and can still forget the spelling of a word, or forget where you want the sentence to go.
Goldwasser claims that “They’re connected, they’re collaborative, they’re used to writing about themselves, on their own time, rather that its being a forced labor when a paper is due”. Facebook status’, tweets, and Pinterest “how to’s” are instantly posted and shared every second presenting to the world the unique segments of writing from teenagers (and adults!) all over the world. Individuals are
In her essay "Does Texting Affect Writing?", Michaela Cullington presents her argument that texting does not impact formal writing written by students. She discusses the concerns presented by many people about how texting language can transfer into writing, but through the use of personal experiences and credible sources she discusses how this is not true. Her use of multiple different studies and situations help boost her argument and allow the reader to truly see how students actually do formal writing. She presents a strong argument as to why those who believe students don't have the control and knowledge to write formally, instead of with text speak, are wrong.
Nicholas Carr proceeds to mention other people’s similar experiences to validate his thought. Nicholas Carr mentions how we have changed our way of reading in response to the internet’s quick paced environment in the next line. ‘They found that people using the sites exhibited “a form of skimming activity,” hopping from one source to another and rarely returning to any source they’d already visited.’. Although I also have experienced times where reading lengthy text such as this article can be hard due to lack of concentration, I believe it is not the internet’s fault. If we are losing our ability to focus deeply it might have to do with the fact that we as humans are adaptive creatures.
In her essay “Does Texting Affect Writing?” Michaela Cullington addresses the issue of text messaging possibly causing poor communication skills and the use of textspeak, abbreviations used during text messaging such as “LOL” and “g2g,” in students’ formal writing. Cullington argues that “texting actually has a minimal effect on student writing” (pg. 367). She addresses the opposition directly, even citing credible sources. However, she also cites credible sources with better information to support her point, and even conducts an experiment of her own.
Letters from students, businessmen, executives, secretaries and even teachers all have misspellings. Furthermore, people are too lazy to look up a word they do not know how to spell. It is a simple step to take, but people are not completing it. That’s the saddest part about the Americans’ disability to spell. Misspelling words show a lack of discipline and a willingness not to care.
Not So Fast”, conducts her own study with a few colleagues to take notes on how students writing skills are changing. She decides to conduct another one twenty five years later to see how much the writing skills have changed since technology has been updated and became more available to students. She found that “students today are writing more than ever before.” Although we still have the same amount of writing errors as before, the patterns of errors are different. Many people argue that technology is only making our writing skill worse, this study helps to prove a different theory.
our whole debate my team believed that urban sprawl should be regulated. On the other hand our opponents were against that fact. Overall both debate teams had strong logica facts and sources to back up what they had to say but i believed that we had a stronger argument. THere main arguments against urban sprawl being regulated was that crime rates are lower with urban sprawl and there are more amenities with urban sprawl. My team for urban sprawl regulations believed that without regulations there would be more pollution and we would lose land that is very valuable to our agriculture which wouldn't be good do to our increasing population.
Should mandatory sentencing options exist for most crimes? In my opinion, mandatory sentencing should be given to those who commit crimes like murder, rape, Robbing. Compare to small crimes like small possession of drugs to disturbing the public places. A crime like those should be given probation or sent to a program to help them learn about their mistake they made, in the sense that they can learn from it. So, to be honest I feel like only certain kind of crime should have mandatory sentencing and not be so harsh with the little crimes that people do.
When it comes to writing a paper, letter, thank you card, etc., it is difficult for me. The reasons why writing is hard for me is because, a lot of times when I write I get distracted by, other people, thinking about something else on my mind, instead of what I am writing, finishing up my chores, etc. Also, when I write my grammar is incorrect, for example, pronoun errors. In other words, “Everybody don’t care if they hate it or not.” That was wrong, but the correct way to write it is, “Everybody don’t care if he or she hates it or not.”
In this argument, it is about if companies were to hire poor grammar and writing skilled people. The people who are to be qualified for the job still should not get the job if their level of grammar and writing skills are low. Grammar is an important skill at iFixit or Dozuki because they have people who apply to take a mandatory grammar test. Yes, iFixit might be an online repair manual, but Dozuki helps companies write their own technical documentation. Step-by-step user manuals are used, but grammar and writing skills are relevant for all companies.
One of the things that has been a struggle for me over the years is the slowness of my reading and the process of absorbing written materials. I was always a bad speller and had a very low self esteem on my academic abilities. Eventually, I came to realize that I must have some sort of reading disability, inherited from my mother who struggled as well with the same issues. When I was in elementary and secondary school nobody ever talked about these kinds of disabilities and I was ridiculed many times from many teachers for not trying hard enough. I was labeled as not living up to my potential, as teachers could tell that I was bright, but couldn 't seem to come up with better grades.
Being bilingual has got many advantages. It has been debated that bilingualism has multiple advantages such as cognitive, cultural, academic benefits as well. Cognitive benefit reveals that being bilingual help to facilitate human brain. People who are bilingual have two language systems which are working simultaneously. These systems don’t create hindrance in individual’s performance and ensure brain’s functioning of both cognitive aspects (Bialystok, 1999).