Pros And Cons Of Prozac

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Prozac is very effective, otherwise it wouldn’t be the most popular antidepressant. No doctor would, knowingly, prescribe something that doesn’t work. If someone distrusts their doctor that much they should change doctors instead of spending money on therapy. People generally need a four-year degree to earn the title of doctor, so it would make sense if they knew what they’re talking about, when prescribing medicine. Furthermore, Prozac’s suicide risk is just that, a risk, if the chance of suicide was large enough to be a problem it wouldn’t be bigger than the depression itself. Not to mention, Prozac’s “suicide risk” is increased when patients take too much or too little of their antidepressant. If patients just continue taking the amount of medication prescribed they shouldn’t have nearly as many problems as if they didn’t. Also, if someone were to be hospitalized for suicidal behavior, they would be unable to continue their actions because they’re in the hospital. Moreover, the subjects’ family would, most likely, see how sad the victim really is and support the them in recovery. …show more content…

Not only does animal therapy put children at risk for allergic reactions, it puts kids at risk for being bitten. Dogs, horses, and cats can all bite and leave significant damage yet they are the animals used most for animal assisted activity. Even though the animals are highly trained, any animal, no matter how trained they are, can act up