Pros And Cons Of Senator Bernie Sanders

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Bernie Sanders: Not the President America wants But the One We Need Senator Bernie Sanders is the fittest president for the 2016 presidential election and should win because he has the most promising and favorable solutions for the issues that would benefit a majority of the lower and middle class. Unlike other candidates who run their campaign solely based on media attention and wealthy sponsors who pay to have say in the federal government controlling the nation without the people’s consent; Senator Sanders on the other hand is trying to put a stop to corrupt politicians and is trying to benefit “We the people” and not “us, the wealthy individuals of the US.”
In today’s current economy, most of the United States’ wealth is held by the 0.1% percent of families in the whole US, that’s about as equivalent of all the wealth of the lower 90% of Americans. The US has one of the biggest income gaps from around the world …show more content…

Sanders also plans on lifting the Social Security income cap to over 250 thousand to keep retired senior citizens from entering poverty. Most Americans will more than likely prefer to rest after roughly sixty years of working instead of working a dead end job till they die in order to provide for daily necessities and medical supplies. In hopes of joining other advanced countries in universal health care is also another proposition held by Senator Sanders. Even though, many think this will raise taxes, they are correct, but they will not spend more or less than they do now. Since taxes are going to be raised about 1 thousand dollars more, their insurance premiums will be cut with an equivalent amount of