Pros And Cons Of The Death Penalty

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Donald J. Trump once said, "The death penalty. It should be brought back and it should be brought back strong... They say it's not a deterrent. Well, you know what, maybe it's not a deterrent, but these two [men convicted of killing two police officers in Hattiesburg, MS] will not do any more killing. That's for sure." However, American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) wrote, "The death penalty has no deterrent effect. Capital punishment is a barbaric remnant of uncivilized society. It is immoral in principle, and unfair and discriminatory in practice. It assures the execution of some innocent people. As a remedy for crime, it has no purpose and no effect. Capital punishment ought to be abolished now." (The leading source for pros and cons of …show more content…

For example, on August 2, 2016 the Death Penalty was ruled unconstitutional in Delaware. "The Delaware Supreme Court has decided that the state's death penalty law violates the Sixth Amendment.” The court was responding to a U.S. Supreme Court decision from a case in January. All pending capital murder trials and the executions of about a dozen prisoners in Delaware were put on hold pending the outcome of the case." Additionally, Hurst v. Florida found that Florida's death penalty law violated the Constitution because it gave judges not juries ultimate power to impose the death penalty." Also in November, 8, 2016 - Nebraska Voters Reinstate the Death Penalty "Nebraska voters have reconstruct the death penalty. Voters overturned the Legislature's decision last year to abolish capital punishment. A coalition partially financed by Ricketts [Nebraska’s Governor] launched a ballot drive that placed the issue on the ballot after lawmakers overrode the governor's veto in May 2015. Ricketts says the vote demonstrates clear public support for capital punishment in Nebraska." (The leading source for pros and cons of controversial issues). The Nebraska voters believe that the government have to stop death penalty because they don't want innocent people die also many kids lost their because of unclear reports. “California has the most death row inmates by july 1, 2017.” ( facts about the death