Pros And Cons Of The Industrial Revolution

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The Industrial Revolution has made a huge impact on us humans, and also has impacted the world we live in. The Industrial Revolution began in the early 18th century, and has been going upwards ever since. The Revolution gave humans the technological advances we've never seen before. It revolutionized America, and many other countries, and got us to where we are today. But with every pro there is a con. The Revolution has helped us destroy the Earth with the amount of pollution we send into the atmosphere. Even though the revolution has done a lot for us, we need to start thinking about the world we live in. The Industrial Revolution is the leading cause to Global Warming in our own planet.
The invention of factories after the war of …show more content…

The start of Global Warming. The public didn't discover about this inconvenience until the 1980s. Since the Industrial Revolution started “humans have released 545,000,000,000 metric tons of carbon into the atmosphere…we are putting about 10,500,000,000 metric tons of carbon a year into the air” (Berger). These numbers are an outrageous amount, and we wonder how much more can our planet take. This is likely to accelerate and keep going in the future, and even if it were to stop, the climate effects will continue for the next hundred years. Berger suggests that “the Earth cannot withstand the ravages of habitat destruction indefinitely, nor the strain of an exploding human population and abrupt climate change” (Berger). Berger is pointing out that we as humans are savages, and are not taking proper care of our the place we call home. It may be not be too late to act now, but if the government doesn't change its policies now “people will suffer” (Berger). The consequences to Global Warming as Berger points out are “longer-lasting droughts, more insufferable heat, larger deserts, scarcer food and water, higher oceans, more corrosive seawater, more fetid ocean bottoms, and a paroxysm of species extensions” (Berger). These are all causes of Global Warming, and some of those consequences described have already started in the 21st century. Berger reveals “even a temperature increase of 3.6° eventually could drive the Earth’s climate past various tipping points at which the climate system itself irreversibly begins to amplify the effects of human greenhouse gas releases” (Berger). In just a short time of living on this earth, we have merely destroyed it. Some see Earth as a cell and humans as a virus. Eventually the cell will get rid of the virus by killing it, or the cell will kill itself to kill the