Department Of Homeland Security And Cyber Crimes

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"The freedom to think and speak freely in this country, and the right to an opinion that disagrees with our leaders and fellow americans, comes the reality that these freedoms allow us to see not only great minds at work, but, the minds of those we would rather pretend doesn 't exist. The internet is a spectacular creation of technology. We have the ability to access information in seconds and communicate with people all over the world. Sadly, this idea is often used to facilitate the crimes that can destroy people 's lives.

The United Nations Office on Drugs and Terrorism indicated in a 2012 study that almost every reporting agency that dealt with terrorism, noted that the internet was used to communicate and coordinate the attacks. The Department of Homeland Security has told us that as long as we continue to become more dependent on modern technology, the more vulnerable we become to the criminals that commit cybercrimes like fraud, theft, and abuse. There are also the viruses that …show more content…

If you are intent on using the internet to assist yourself in the commission of a crime, then it’s reasonable to expect that certain web sites and or retrieving information via encryption online should and will be noticed by the authorities. Honestly, if you are conducting yourself as a productive member of society, and not committing crimes with the help of online activity, then it shouldn’t bother you if they monitor our website history. If you are engaging in illegal activity, and use the internet to assist yourself in that, then you should be subjected to government monitoring. I am comfortable with the government monitoring internet usage and i feel it’s an unfortunate side effect of technology that criminals use it as well, but, it’s the price we pay for our dependency on technology. In this day and age, criminals should know they can and will be watched, as well as caught, as they should