World Nature Organization Essay

720 Words3 Pages


To: World Nature Organization
From: Melissa Toilolo
Date: 4/25/16
Re: The World Nature Organization focus on protecting human being and the surroundings.


World Nature Organization

The World nature Organization applies to international level of protection those ties into the protection of energy good organization, type of weather protection to continue the energy supply. Therefore World Nature Organization mission is to protect and stop disadvantage to the people, water, animals, plantation, land and air. Which all human beings including the rest wants clean environment that suits everyone with healthiness and long living. With the disadvantages with World Nature Organization was it was the challenges of global risk through soil, oceans, forest and other important foundation that involves in World Nature Organization. The more that came across the advantages and disadvantages that World Nature Organization faced was the protection of keeping the environment and every living things alive and healthy. Which energies efficiency was valued through nature apparent? The organizations carry on and will continue on developing through positive resources and carry …show more content…

A preparatory commission was mandated in 2011 to take all possible measures to ensure the rapid and effective establishment of the intergovernmental organization. States which do not cause global warming are among the first to feel it. Such states argued for the establishment of an intergovernmental organization”. The history lives on and continues to be in certain ways that organization dedicated with environmental protection on a global scale and letting out the commission organization