
Pros For Cons Essay

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What is the appeal of DFS shares?

Odds are you’ve seen their adverts on TV and asked yourself if there is ever a time when their products aren’t on sale. Leading sofa retailer make no bones about it, they are discount furniture retailer through and through. Many even believe that the true meaning of DFS is Discount Furniture Store, given that they are in a seemingly never-ending sale. Even though they have the budget tag firmly attached to them, that hasn’t stopped the brand from building up a small yet loyal following, which has even carried through to their IPO of DFS shares.

Many are asking what is the appeal of DFS shares given that they are an exclusively budget level furniture retailer in the current economic climate. Looking at the facts, DFS currently has a quarter of the £3 billion UK furniture market cornered. It qualifies at the UK’s largest furniture chain as it has over 105 stores around the UK, Ireland, and Holland. DFS are clearly doing something right and presented an interesting product to investors, but did it light enough of a fire to make DFS shares a must have? …show more content…

There just wasn’t a buzz surrounding them hitting the market and it showed, as there wasn’t a great uptake during the first wave of investment. Because of the slow uptake of DFS shares, the company readjusted their projected figures with regards to how much they expected to make. £105 million became £98 million, as the freefloat didn’t quite workout as

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