
Pros Of The Labor Movement

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Labor Unions were created for the safety and needs of the people. Many are created to protect and further people’s rights. If workers feel like they are receiving unfair treatment, they will fight for what they believe in. When the labor movement first began, it was used for the common interest of workers. This movement led efforts to end child labor, give health benefits, and provide aid to workers who were retired or injured (Labor Movement). The first ever recorded strike regarding labor movements took place in 1768. Workers protested against wage reductions. Labor Unions benefited the people significantly back then because when America first started, not everything was perfect, and someone had do something about it. As said in the American Constitution, our country runs on our people. When the movement first began, it set people needs first, which is what our …show more content…

In doing so, however, they have reduced the number of jobs available in unionized companies.” (Reynolds). Unions are an extreme anticompetitive force in labor markets because if they raise the price of labor, employers will buy less of it. If labor union workers wish to gain, others like nonunion workers, taxpayers, and the jobless seem to lose advantages. ”Unions are immune from taxation and from antitrust laws.” (Reynolds). According to Morgan Reynolds, Labor Unions get more privileges than they deserve, and that’s at the expense of other types of workers. Today, some would say labor unions are no longer needed. Nonunion wages fall because workers priced out of jobs by high union wages bid wages in the nonunion sector. Some of the gains then gained by the union workers must come at the expense of, let’s say, those who must become unemployed or move to much lower paying jobs (Reynolds). Labor Unions have their advantages and disadvantages meaning they could or could not be useful

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