Prospero And Ariel

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Ariel represents the spirited portion of Prospero’s psyche.
Ariel’s function on the island, at least to Prospero, is one of subservience. Plato also has this same role in mind when he writes about the spirited portion’s function. Socrates asks
Glaucon: “isn’t it appropriate for the rational part to rule, since it is really wise and exercises foresight on behalf of the whole soul, and for the spirited part to obey it and be its ally?” (441e).
The answer, of course, is yes. And indeed Ariel fulfills a similar function for Prospero. After all it is Ariel who “[performs] to point the tempest that [Prospero] bade [him]” (I.ii.194), divides the shipwrecked passengers “in troops … ‘bout the isle” (I.ii.220), and stores the King’s ship “safely in harbor”