Pseudomegachasma Research Paper

374 Words2 Pages
Karan Nair
Block 2
October 28, 2015
News and Views The shark genus species Pseudomegachasma has been discovered from the prehistoric dinosaur times many years ago. The Pseudomegachasma has a massive mouth and has several sets of teeth. It has been said, according to author Jennifer Viegas, “shark lineage first emerged in a shallow-water environment in Russia before later migrating to the North American Western Interior Seaway that once split North America into two land masses.” (Jennifer Viegas, 2015). Location of the beginning of the species has been found due to fossils being uncovered in cretaceous rocks. The Pseudomegachasma is said to have a gigantic mouth and might even be the largest shark species before the Megaladon. The diet