Crime is an action or omission which causes offence punishable by the law. To explain why some people commit these punishable offences there are different psychological approaches. Three of these approaches are Psychodynamic, Physiological and biological. The psychodynamic approach studies a person’s behaviour by analysing the persons mind, mainly focusing on the subconscious. The Physiological approach studies the scientific reasons behind criminal behaviour and concentrates on how a person’s physical form can be a ‘marker of criminology’ Sammons (2009). The biological approach studies the genetics of a person, and how their genetic makeup may affect their behaviour in certain situations. All these approaches have their own theories to why people act the way they do and why they do certain things. These approaches have been used to discover many theories why criminals commit crimes and sometimes keep re offending. …show more content…
Sammons, A (2009) states that from the views of a Freudian, the behaviour of a person that lies outside what people in society find socially acceptable, whether it be abnormal or criminal, is a result of having an underdeveloped, abnormal personality. Sammons (2009) mentions that Freud believes the first five years of a person’s life is when the structure of the personality takes place. Freud believes that the cause of people offending are also found in the first five years of development, and that the relationship between parent and child is crucial at this point in a person’s life (Sammons